Success Stories
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Homeopathy for Alopecia areata :
A case of Alopecia areata in a 15 year old female treated successfully. She came with a presenting complaint of a large round bald patch on right side of her head. There was no prior history of any skin disease. A carefully selected Homeopathic medicine was administered which helped her with re growth of hair over the scalp. The new growth was persistent and completely covered the affected area with hair.
Homeopathy for Alopecia barbae:
A case of Alopecia barbae in a 25 year old male treated successfully. He came with a presenting complaint of a patchy hair loss over the right side of his beard area. His history revealed no other abnormality. He was given a Homeopathic remedy that helped stop the ongoing process of hair loss. Our Homeopathic treatment helped the hair grow back over the bald patch on his beard.
Homeopathy for Hair Thinning :
A case of Female pattern Hair loss in a 38 year old female treated successfully. She came with a presenting complaint of widening of her Hair partition. Over the past few years due to the hair loss , she had observed hair thinning revealing more of her scalp. Her history revealed that there was an onset of the female pattern Hair loss that affects almost 50% of women. Our Homeopathic treatment helped stop the hair loss and reduce Hair thinning over the scalp.
Homeopathy for Hair loss associated with Hormonal Imbalance :
A case of hair loss observed in a 16 year old female with an underlying Hormonal imbalance treated successfully. She came with a presenting complaint of multiple patches of Hair loss over the scalp. Her history revealed she was suffering from PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian disease), that lead to hormonal imbalance and causing Hair loss. Our Homeopathic treatment helped correct the hormonal imbalance and promote hair growth over the affected areas of her scalp.
Homeopathy for Eyebrow Hair loss :
A case of 24 year old female with hair loss over the eyebrow treated successfully. She came with a presenting complaint of a gap in her eyebrows due to increase in the hair shedding. She did not have any prior history of any skin disease. A carefully selected Homeopathic remedy for hair loss helped her. Our Homeopathic treatment helped stop the further loss of hair and promote re growth of hair that completely covered the previous gap.
Homeopathy for Post Childbirth Hair loss :
A case of a persistent hair loss since child birth in a 30 year old female treated successfully. The female came with a presenting complaint of a persistent hair loss ever since she gave birth to her child. On an average hair shedding reduces naturally by 6 to 9 months post child birth. But in her case it had increase even after a year had passed by. After a detailed history she was given a Homeopathic medicine for Hair loss that helped reduced the hair shedding and stop the process of Hair loss. Our Homeopathic treatment helped promote Hair growth.
Homeopathy for Hair loss associated with Thyroid Disease :
A case of hair loss related to the underlying Thyroid disease in an 18 year old female treated successfully. The female came with the presenting complaint of Hair thinning and continues rise in her hair fall. Her history revealed she was a case of Hypothyroid. This was the cause of her hair loss. The treatment was aimed at the underlying cause of hair loss and promote growth. Our Homeopathic treatment helped her with re growth of hair over the scalp.